
Maximum I've found... (Destiny)

by RC ⌂, UK, Friday, October 24, 2014, 18:53 (3471 days ago) @ RC

These are Hunter Legendaries, fully upgraded:

Helmet: 53/54 (total 107) - Note: have a +110 on an Exotic
Gloves: 49/47 (total 96)
Chest: 70/73 (total 143) - Note: from a Raid chest
Boots: 69/68 (total 137)

Anyone have any pieces with more?

I have no idea if certain upgrades affect the maximum attainable. I.e. does Inverse Shadow (more super energy from PvE kills) apply something like a -5 to the maximum stat value since it seems objectively the best for PvE armour? I just don't know :(

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