What is there to be concillatory about? (Destiny)

by Monochron, Tuesday, December 09, 2014, 12:43 (3448 days ago) @ Spec ops Grunt

The weekly and the nightfall have always consisted of a random strike. I don't see how this is a big deal tbh. The odds are in your favor that it will be non dlc content. Obviously bungie wanted it to be dlc content this week to reward players that bought it, to mix things up, and to encourage dlc purchases. I guarantee we will be back to nightfall on sepiks next week.

The fact that the game just got smaller for everyone who doesn't pay up is what there is to be conciliatory about.

However, I read the rest of this thread and am much less mad. Double however, I see no reason why there can't be an alternate weekly Strike for those without the expansion. Meh.

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