Fusion Rifles in the Crucible... (Destiny)

by HavokBlue, California, Sunday, December 14, 2014, 20:14 (3430 days ago)

Really getting to despise fusion rifles in the Crucible. They don't promote any sort of interesting gameplay. They reward what I would consider to be 'anti-fun' behavior like corner camping. More than any other weapon, they do not play well with the astounding latency issues the game seems to be having lately. The fact that Plan C was passed out twice in a row only to be followed up by Murmer for everyone means you're guaranteed to run into it in a given match.

I'm guilty of hopping on the fusion rifle train myself lately, because shotguns don't really cut it when anyone with a brain is pre-charging, and maps where sniper rifles -really- shine are no longer in normal rotation.

Not really sure how to re-balance an entire weapon class without gimping it. Maybe increase the delay between shots to punish people who miss while rewarding those with aim?...

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