Initial impressions on Crota's End (spoiler ed) (Destiny)

by Avateur @, Wednesday, December 17, 2014, 19:23 (3428 days ago) @ petetheduck

You should have seen Avateur, dodging multiple invulnerable Gatekeepers while trying to form the bridge from the far side. I was throwing AOE grenades and Nova Bombs at him to have something to hide inside (which worked well during the first part of the Raid as well, especially on the final sync plate). Then we started trying to cheese them off the edge while we waited for near side team to get ready.

No joke, and it worked. We had three Gatekeepers there for a bit before the remaining group joined us and murdered them. Ultimate dodging on my part. It also keeps them busy and makes it easier for the group to smash them once they arrive. The nightmare part of the Raid has been Crota and pretty much only Crota.

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