Well... (Destiny)

by Earendil, Monday, January 12, 2015, 19:30 (3401 days ago) @ Cody Miller

I at least somewhat understand when item trading is a thing because then an economy can be distorted, but there is literally zero harm to anyone if someone exploits the game to complete an activity currently.

While trading would make it extremely worse, there is some harm (we're using a loose definition of "harm", right?) because a player that goes it legit is suddenly "behind" and can't be sure why. If destiny stat trackers could separate the cheesers from the non, or the characters in game that walk by with rad gear had "I bypass the system" over their heads, than a normal player could have some sense of where they stand. I find this moderately unfair because the aforementioned ways of measuring progress to other players still works for those that want to bend the rules.

No matter which side of the fence you're on, those that use all means available to get ahead will cause harm to those that choose to play the game as expected.

The degree to which that harm is felt or measured is, of course, squarely up for debate :)

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