
The Design of Rewards for Iron Banner - Gripes and Fixes (Destiny)

by Kahzgul, Friday, January 16, 2015, 14:44 (3400 days ago) @ nico

That's a really interesting post.

One fundamental issue facing Bungie with some of your solutions is this: Crucible is relatively fun to play on a sub level 20 (at least for me.)

If you start creating armor that mitigates head shots, or has the titan you just killed respawn with two fresh rockets, you're engaging in a slippery road with regards to preserving a system that can create an unbalance in regular crucible. This of course can be solved by having those mods work only in IB, but then their usefulness becomes limited.

I really do wish IB armor could be reforged -- I agree with you that the mods are uninspiring.

That's a good point about the armor giving even more bonuses to experienced or high level characters which sub-20 characters wouldn't have access to, but I don't think that it's substantially different from the bonuses players currently get from "faster melee attack speed" gloves or "carry more ammo for heavy weapons" boots. This should also be considered gear that is the creme de la creme for PvP, and there shouldn't be any question as to whether a level 32 in full IB armor is better prepared for PvP fights than a sub-20 character.

Right now, there's no question that a level 32 in full raid gear is better prepared. The only flaw here is that a full-time raider should not have better PvP gear than a full-time PvPer.

I'd also like to see a game mode where everyone is on a totally even playing field, but that mode does not exist in Destiny. And with regards to Iron Banner, where "gear matters," the gear you get as a reward should be good enough to matter, too.

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