
Montages have suffered without theatre too (Destiny)

by Revenant1988 ⌂ @, How do I forum?, Friday, January 23, 2015, 11:58 (3394 days ago) @ RC

For streamers, all this stuff is a boon, for sure. But for more (struggles to find word) artistic footage or machinama if feels like 2002 again with RvB and trying to cut out HUD clutter and getting creative with the player camera.

Granted, where there is will, there is a way, but it feels like a step backward for just about everyone outside of FPS montages, if that makes sense.

Some of the best montages I ever saw were Halo 3 ones that made extensive use of the theatre.

I remember one that was all about sniper ricochet kills. The footage made zero sense in first person but, break the camera out to 3rd person and follow the trails, do some stop-time pans, and it was incredible.

Oh yeah, I'm just being a bit general and perhaps a little vague....oh god.




For the "watch me play" and live streams, this stuff is really cool. It also bodes well for the ultra competitive and e-sport crowd. The ability to detach the camera simply adds more options and often times, a more professional look.

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