Bungie is hiring a raid designer (Destiny)

by scarab @, Wednesday, January 28, 2015, 04:34 (3394 days ago) @ Cody Miller

WoW players that I've discussed Destiny with say that the grind in WoW sucks but that Raids are awesome.

They universally like the Raids. Many say that they hate absolutely everything else about the game.

OK, I have a small sample size: (5?) people but I don't think that raid experience in MMOs is a blanket disqualifier.

And from general forum post reading, here, at BNet, and reddit: I have seen many people say that Destiny raids are a bit tame in comparison to WoW raids.

I'm sure we have plenty of WoW (or other MMO) players who could chip in and either verify or disagree.

Have you even played one MMO raid? I haven't played any either but I have heard that they can be pretty epic.

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