Another idea: (Destiny)

by TheGhostBrigade, Thursday, February 05, 2015, 07:31 (3376 days ago) @ CruelLEGACEY

What if the various vendors offered "top tier" armor items whenever you did something of considerable skill, such as completing the raid, or performing excellently in the iron banner? Doing either would grant you what amounts to a redeemable ticket for armor from any vendor in the tower that you have enough rep with. This would mean there would still be a clear ascetic difference between normal legendary items and "Raid gear" but there would be significantly more variety, and not to mention less RNG frustration. Although perhaps you only get the ticket at the same rate that you would get any armor normally.

I haven't participated in the Iron Banner much, but perhaps to account for this it could become a permanent fixture of the tower, and ranking up your rep with it earns you tickets.

This also makes the factions more relevant, since you might like a Dead Orbit raid helmet more than a vanguard one, ect.

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