To be fair... (Destiny)

by Dagoonite, Somewhere in Iowa, lost in a cornfield., Sunday, February 08, 2015, 22:59 (3373 days ago) @ scarab

There are two ways to take that.

1) You've just slogged through countless agents of the Darkness and have finally gotten to go back home. You've got this here engram and are excited to get something awesome from it. Visions of an Icebreaker float through your head. You hand it to the Cryptarch, a tired yet hopeful expression on your face. He decodes and forms it, only to find... a strange coin. He looks at you, a Guardian, an absolute badass who could break a normal person like a twig. A person who has faced terrors he can't even imagine on a daily basis. He knows that you're hoping for something awe-inspiring, and all that he can offer is one stinking coin.

And he gets a vision in his head. Of you staring at that strange coin in silence for a long moment before something in your head goes brokedy. Of you gripping that coin firmly and getting back on your ship. Of you heading back into that battlefield where you had gotten the engram, the battlefield where the agents of the Darkness are already converging again. He sees you as pure, unbridled fury fills your eyes. And you charge into them, ignoring all incoming fire. You jam your strange coin into the first monster's eye, and then punch it so hard that the coin rattles around inside their skull, liquifying their brains. You retrieve the coin, and in your rage-fueled rampage, you obliterate all your foes in ways that are indescribable. Because they gave you one. Stupid. Coin.

He pities those foes indeed.

2) He assumes that your enemy was only armed with a Strange Coin. Imagine the poor Dreg trying to fight you, armed with only a coin. YEAH. Pity that poor, pathetic creature.

Of course, in my headcanon, he has dementia, so... Really, if you think about him like that, his nonsense lines are kind of tragic. He's too valuable to the Cryptarchs to force him to retire, but his dementia makes him a liability in the Archives, so they promoted him to the Tower. Folks put up with his nonsense because they remember how good he once was, and the sheer knowledge that he has, and to see him have fallen so far...

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