
Tip (Destiny)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Friday, April 03, 2015, 15:47 (3329 days ago) @ Beorn
edited by Cody Miller, Friday, April 03, 2015, 15:54

Our Crota's End Flawless Raider attempt earlier this week ended up being more difficult than we had planned. We reloaded the raid from scratch 28 times, managing to get out of the Abyss a grand total of five of those. Five. Our greatest foe was the stupid drop into The Abyss; it was a relentless enemy, killing us 17 times! (Be sure to do a double-take of the one at 4:40).

When you land, stay put. Don't move. The majority of the time, when someone dies, it's because they bounce off someone else and either hit too hard or fly off the map. The game isn't going to land you on top of someone's position, so just don't run around until everybody lands.

Also why on earth are you using a scout rifle on the abyss?! Fatebringer, a sniper, and an HMG makes it ezpz :-p. I'm sure once Cruel gets done with the video and we can add commentary we can add tips.

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