An odd answer to your odd question (Off-Topic)

by Dagoonite, Somewhere in Iowa, lost in a cornfield., Saturday, April 18, 2015, 23:26 (3301 days ago) @ Up North 65

Carpel Tunnel, Rheumatoid Arthritis, AIDS... They all are the same thing and that thing is excuses. Did I quit back when my hands were cramping up during the Crotas run of '15? Or that nasty hang nail during The Christmas Siege? No I did not, I pushed through the pain, blinked back the salty tears and soldiered on without a whimper. So nut up, press the save button, finish cooking your cinnamon pancakes and join back up with the most interesting 360 clan this side of the mighty Volga.

Wait, your tears are salty? Mine are black and taste like pine nuts.

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