
I have questions for the Thursday Update. (& Answer to OP) (Destiny)

by INSANEdrive, ಥ_ಥ | f(ಠ‿↼)z | ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ| ¯\_(ツ)_/¯, Wednesday, April 22, 2015, 20:55 (3321 days ago) @ CruelLEGACEY

As it currently stands, I have it in my conclusion that any legendary that RNG sends my way once HoW drops, will have the ability to be reforged. Would this be true for Raid weapons as well? Further more, at risk of asking the same question, if a gun as a particular perk - like white nail for Black Hammer, what would happen with reforge?

Thank you.

My Warlock Armor first (of course), but I don't recall the names. Probably the shoulders out of principle. Mix it up!

Weapon wise - don't know yet. Depends on what Prison of the Elders has in store for me. Is there a gun called jailbreak? No? Bummer.

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