
I think the vehicles were actually the problem, not snipers. (Destiny)

by iconicbanana, C2-H5-OH + NAD, Portland, OR, Monday, April 27, 2015, 13:27 (3296 days ago) @ Durandal

So First Light and the Citadel (Mars) map were moved to Combined arms due to the sniper abuse going on. Those maps are larger and opened up use for scout rifles and snipers to a greater degree then seen on the other, smaller maps.

Bungie moved them to their own map rotation partly due to the heavy camping the large open maps favored. Now with the special ammo changes does that mean we could move them back into the Clash/Control game types?

It would certainly make it harder to entrench on Bastion, but honestly the issue with those maps is how long it takes you to get anywhere, and the Pikes/Intercepts beings so brutally effective due to high mobility and ludicrous damage output.

They tend to snowball as a result, and with special and heavy ammo reductions, strategically engaging vehicles is even harder now. Also, we could use a 2-3 seater, because fun.

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