That could actually be good news (Destiny)

by Earendil, Monday, April 27, 2015, 20:57 (3296 days ago) @ Speedracer513

Mike then said, "Here's the only thing I think I can say about that - I don't know; and I think Marty can say even less." Marty indeed did not say a single word.

This makes me a little sad. Obviously the fact that we still haven't heard anything about it does not bode well [...]

All that means is that the lawyers are still working out the details. That it hasn't been settled doesn't mean we won't get it. Perhaps there is large disagreement in the settling of it, which would be bad for fans and consumers, but the fact that they didn't say anything at all does not mean that things are going in a negative direction. In fact it means that things are still going, and one side hasn't won and decided to sit on the winnings.

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