
The arena problem is back (Destiny)

by Ragashingo ⌂, Official DBO Cryptarch, Wednesday, April 29, 2015, 21:12 (3276 days ago) @ Cody Miller


This was almost 5 years ago, and I am really surprised it's coming back up again.

It was announced that loot drops would be more favorable for the best players in a crucible game. Back in the Reach arena days, you were ranked not on your team's performance, but on your individual performance in the team. The theory was that you doing better means your team does better. To be fair, I think this worked out for the most part because the ranking system treated assists and kills with equal weight. So you could still help your team and not worry about getting kills.

Still, trying to maximize your own individual K/D is a very different goal than trying to maximize your entire team's K/D.

In Destiny, this is going to be a problem because assists are worth less than half of what kills are. The game ranks players in the end by points, and an assist gets you 50 points, yet a kill gets you 100+ when you factor in the modifiers such as headshot bonus, 1st place kill, etc.

This means moving forward if you want a better shot at loot, you need to get more kills than others on your team. I can easily see this being a problem where players will play more selfishly in a way which might benefit them, but not the team as a whole.

Currently, the Crucible only rewards teams as a whole via paying out more Crucible Marks to the winning team. Individual accomplishment is, as far as I know, ignored. It's pretty grating when I play a good solid game and my randos run headlong into the enemy over and over. I can play well and play supportive and be a team player but ultimately I'm only 1/5th of my team and there's only so much I can do. With the upcoming change The Crucible will reward both playing as a team and individual performance.

I see that as a positive... not a problem.

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