Tweaking current game types to be more objective-based? (Destiny)

by Dan de Board @, Friday, May 01, 2015, 13:49 (3283 days ago)

I know after the reveal of Trials of Osiris, a lot of people were clamoring for more Objective game types.The current game types, outside of Rumble and Clash, have their roots in old-school objective game types. I find Control similar to Halo 2's Territories, and I find Salvage has similarities to Assault (plant your "bomb" and defend it until it "explodes" before the other team can diffuse it). What if Bungie released versions of these game types where scoring wasn't based on kills?

Control would be classic Halo 2 Territories. Claim a control point and for every second you have it you earn 10 points. Having more control points gives you a time multiplier. Neutralizing and capturing control points can also earn your team points to promote offensive play styles, similar to standard Control. I feel like these changes would allow people to focus on two control points and try and have a good defensive game, or play a good offensive game and simply try to capture points.

Salvage would focus entirely on earning points for scanning relics. Successfully claiming a relic and denying the other team their relic would earn you big points, much bigger than currently.

A spin on this would be to make Salvage almost like King of the Hill, where the Relics never disappear, they simply change based on a timer. Players plant their Ghosts on the active Relic and earn points for the amount of time their ghost is scanning the Relics.

Of course, this obviously wouldn't be easy to implement. That said, there may be some inherent functionality already in the game that we haven't seen yet because we don't have access to custom games.

What do you guys think?

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