There is a CHEESE! (Destiny)

by TheeChaos @, Wednesday, May 27, 2015, 10:20 (3263 days ago) @ SonofMacPhisto

This is the one I have had the most problems with so far as well. There is a trick to this however but i cant remember who showed me.

Basically there are two entrance ways for enemies that are on the same wall as the entrance coming from the airlock. One to the left at the bottom of the steps near the place everyone camps, and there is another door similar on the right side.

Basically you do the first round legit and leave one thrall ideally. then have one person get above each door. So you will have 2 people sitting on the doors and a free third person.

Once set up kill the last enemy you left alive.

This SHOULD keep enemies out. Usually 3 or 4 thrall will get through. DONT FREAK OUT! the people above the doors MUST stay up there. Also the third person MUST NOT get too close to these doors.

From here you just dismantle the bombs, then everyone run to the camp corner, kill all except one, repeat the process. I wish I had a video or pictures but I dont. If you have questions ask, otherwise ill record next time I do it.

This has worked many times for me, but its a little glitchy. Sometimes it works flawlessly, other times I can only get 1 or 2 mines before enemies come out. EITHER WAY, just getting even 1 mine with no enemies helps out tremendously, especially if it is the middle mine.

Let me know if you have questions!

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