
I wouldn't say I "enjoyed" it... (Off-Topic)

by CruelLEGACEY @, Toronto, Sunday, June 21, 2015, 13:02 (3239 days ago) @ car15

... but there was this 1 meal I prepared for myself that will forever remain burned into my memory (and probably my stomach lining).

I was 19 when I moved out on my own. Like most youngsters on their own for the first time, I was flat broke. By the time I covered my rent, bills, and a few drinks on the weekend (19 year-old's priorities, right?) I had about $7 per day left for food. I didn't judge the quality of food by the taste or how healthy it was, I thought about it in terms of "how full per dollar" it would get me.

Pro tip: white chocolate macadamia nut cookies from 7/11 are the closest thing we have in real life to Lambus bread (the Elven bread from Lord of the Rings that'll fill a man's stomach with a single bite). The amount of lard packed in to those things gives them the density of a dying star, and they never - NEVER - go stale.

Back to the point: one night, I was trying to figure out what to have for dinner before rushing off to band practice. I found a box of Mac & Cheese... Win! But being the M&C connoisseur that I am, I couldn't make it using "just water". You NEED milk to do it right. But I had no milk in the fridge, and buying milk was out of the question. But then, just as I was about to give up all hope, I found a potential substitute: a bottle of Hershey's Coffee Crisp milkshake. Desperate times call for desperate measures. "Close enough!" I thought to myself.

Let's just say I didn't end up making it to band practice.

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