
Hilarious! Could someone explain... (Destiny)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Sunday, June 28, 2015, 15:57 (3242 days ago) @ Monochron

What exactly people are upset about with the pricing model?
I agree the RedBull thing is horrendous, but I think I must have missed something with how the pricing model for the Collectors edition is so bad.
Is it just because in order to get the emotes and class items you need to buy the collectors edition? I feel like it must be more than that I just haven't noticed.

Well, both the digital and physical collector's editions are the same price, despite the fact you don't get all the stuff like the book and the coin. So, I'd say that right there is a problem. You're literally paying the same for less.

You could buy the emotes and stuff for 20 bucks plus the regular digital for 40 bucks, making 60 total, which is really what should have been in the digital collector's edition, and how it should have been priced, in the first place.

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