Hilarious! Could someone explain... (Destiny)

by Claude Errera @, Sunday, June 28, 2015, 15:57 (3241 days ago) @ Monochron

What exactly people are upset about with the pricing model?
I agree the RedBull thing is horrendous, but I think I must have missed something with how the pricing model for the Collectors edition is so bad.
Is it just because in order to get the emotes and class items you need to buy the collectors edition? I feel like it must be more than that I just haven't noticed.

So the only thing that bothers me at this point is that the physical Collector's Edition costs the same as the digital Collector's Edition. The actual, physical goodies should be worth a LITTLE more than the digital goodies thrown into each box.

Beyond that, though, the pricing for the digital extras was pretty much set in stone by the pricing of the original items (the stuff that was described first, before the digital extras were made available on their own). $20 might be too much for the 9 items you get in that package - but at least you can choose between buying just those and NOT buying them (as opposed to having to stomach paying for stuff you already own just to get them).

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