link to the "culprit" (Destiny)

by petetheduck, Friday, July 03, 2015, 16:18 (3231 days ago) @ Claude Errera

So, I'm the person who did this and I wanted to explain everyone the entire situation in depth (without going too much into the actual generating of codes.)

Firstly, I would like to speak about the legal matter of this. I'm using my own system and pattern to generate these string of codes. The actual generator isn't actually affiliated to the Redbull website in anyway. The success rates of the codes aren't even 100%. Only roughly 75% of them actually work, the rest are invalid.

Ok, now let's discuss why I actually decided to do this. There's two reasons:

1: Eventually, another programmer WILL discover this method and will redeem all these codes for themselves. So the consumers won't get them regardless.

Because of how easy it is to generate these codes and input them on the website, eventually another programmer will discover my method of generating and they'll use all the codes for their own account.

By distributing the codes, at least the community are able to obtain the codes rather than one programmer obtaining all of those 18,000 codes.

But regardless of what situation occurs, whether I had distributed those codes or whether another programmer discovers my generating method. The end result is the same:

The consumers won't get their codes regardless.

2: I feel that it's unfair that players outside of the US are unable to obtain these codes.

I was giving an opportunity to non-US players to be able to obtain these codes as they literally can't purchase them. On top of that, they're actually getting charged 30% extra for The Taken King anyway, so that's some major screw over.

Hopefully these codes helped these players obtain the codes, I don't regret giving the codes to these people even if real consumers can't get them.

But again, to emphasis on the law matter. The generation of these codes are 100% legal. I created my own program to get these strings of numbers, which I'm allowed to distribtue if I will.

I haven't forced anyone to use the codes, if you use the code on the Redbull website that's a concious decision that you made with your own free will.

But anyway, like I said either the community will use the codes or one programmer will just use them all. I personally feel that it's better if the entire community use them.

I have generated 70,000 more codes which I will be giving out around Twitch streams, so if you want actual codes just keep your eyes around on the Twitch Destiny section.

In respect of this subreddit and the moderators, I will not distribute any codes here. So please don't ask me.

TLDR: If I hadn't generated the codes first and given them out the community, someone else would have generated them and used it all for themselves. So regardless, the consumer would not have their code.


When this was a simplified code, one that I didn't think could possibly be used on actual cans but was somehow working on the Red Bull site, that was one thing... this is something else.

I think I'm more angry at Red Bull, though, for building such a shoddy system. :(

And regarding the legal issues, I would be very surprised if there were any legal repercussions for people involved in generating or using dirty codes. Sure, there might be a legal right to do so, if you want bad PR on top of bad PR. Angry consumers aren't going to be appeased by a twitch streamer getting sued.

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