Anybody seen this? Live action trailer.

by yakaman, Wednesday, May 22, 2013, 11:02 (3998 days ago) @ Cody Miller

Color me wondering when the GAME portion of the game will be revealed. You know, what we're paying for.

Have to agree. Everything I've seen to date regarding gaming on the horizon (XBO, PS4, Destiny) has been a whole lot of everything but the meat. Yes, E3 is likely provide some gluttony, but I still perceive Destiny as "Bungie does Borderlands" and I'm not sure really why I should be excited.

So Destiny is cross-platform, cool, deep, persistent, FPS with RPG elements, humans-in-apocalyptic-future-battle-consortium-of-baddies but totally not Halo. OK - so maybe it's just done supremely well and has to be experienced to be appreciated, but then stop with the ridiculous hyperbole. (Or maybe I should stop reading the mail sacks for a while?)

MS shows very little regarding gaming when they reveal their gaming console. PS4 doesn't really show anything except some pretty-looking software that is pretty similar to current-gen games. And yet people are already formulating opinions and picking sides?

Madness, all of it - we've seen nothing about anything. Why does this piss me off?

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