
Likely closer to when we buy it, ya know when we pay for it

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Wednesday, May 22, 2013, 11:54 (3998 days ago) @ Stephen Laughlin

To be fair to Cody, the fact that it's up for pre-order was advertised quite prominently on B.net pretty much immediately after the announcement way back in February. If I were one to get my panties in a bunch over the marketing of video games I could see some sort of argument there. Honestly, who cares? Sit tight and gameplay footage will be forthcoming. Release is a long way off and there's no imperative to pre-order.

All other marketing for creative products usually has to do with what you're getting.

Movie Trailer - This is what you'll see and hear in the movie. People go to the movies to see and hear them. So, it gives me an idea of what that is like.

Music Single / Video - This is what a song off the album sounds like. People buy records to hear them. So, it gives me an idea of what it's like.

Books - This is how a sample chapter reads, or what the book is about. People buy books to read them. So, it gives me an idea of what it's like.

Video games - People buy games to play them right? So why isn't the marketing about what it's like to play the game? Oh right, because the games industry wishes it was hollywood.

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