DBO Fireteam Builder

Last Chance to Try-als ()
Sunday, September 6, 2015 at 8:45 PM (Event is passed)
Title:Last Chance to Try-als
When:Sunday, September 6, 2015 at 8:45 PM (America/Los_Angeles)

Apparently, this weekend is my last chance to see the Lighthouse for a long time. Who's with me?

RSVPs: (3) Sort by: Type | Date
ZackDark Warlock “Thorn or Bad Juju? Ram or Voidfang? Voidwalker or Sunsinger?” (RSVP'd by ZackDark)
DiscipleN2k Titan “Might be late and I'm totally willing to step out of the way if you get two better players.” (RSVP'd by DiscipleN2k)
Mid7night Hunter “...if I can sweet-talk my wife enough...” (RSVP'd by Mid7night)