DBO Fireteam Builder

Oryx checkpoint ()
Monday, October 5, 2015 at 4:30 PM (Event is passed)
Title:Oryx checkpoint
When:Monday, October 5, 2015 at 4:30 PM (America/Los_Angeles)

Oryx won't die.

Raiders who played with me to get to this checkpoint get priority seating.

CheapLEY: We'll probably get some practice runs in without you. I don't seriously Oryx will be dead by 8, but hurry home regardless!

RSVPs: (9) Sort by: Type | Date
Kermit7 (RSVP'd by Kermit)
red robber Titan “How do we do more DPS?????????” (RSVP'd by red robber)
oO HairyLegs Oo Hunter “Needs more cowbell. ” (RSVP'd by tadboz)
DiscipleN2k Titan “I can be on as backup until Funkmon's run at 8:45 Central.” (RSVP'd by DiscipleN2k)
vBLACKSTAR BSP Titan (RSVP'd by BlackstarBSP)
Zero Point Fox Warlock (RSVP'd by Zero)
ChrisTheeCrappy Warlock “if u need me” (RSVP'd by ChrisTheeCrappy)
cheapLEY Warlock “Probably going to be 30 minutes late! Just changed to Tent. so you would see.” (Tentative) (RSVP'd by cheapLEY)
JediMattFoley Warlock “I'm running late! I'm still at work :(” (Tentative) (RSVP'd by TeejayF)