DBO Fireteam Builder

Update 1.1.4 Campaign Edition! (Revised) (Other…)
Thursday, March 29, 2018 at 6:15 PM (Event is passed)
Title:Update 1.1.4 Campaign Edition! (Revised)
When:Thursday, March 29, 2018 at 6:15 PM (America/Los_Angeles)

My Titan has yet to finish the Destiny 2 Campaign. I don't even remember where. I want to do it with a full group, of different classes & types. Let's have fun and finish this the night of.

Date is flexable, but I need to know what to change it. If you have an interest, then please say so we can work things out and make this happen! :D

I want A Hunter & A Warlock to mix this up, but honestly, I just want to play. If it ends up being two of one type so be it. Let's just play.

Thank you!

Note: In the event that there arn't two people signed up by the top of the assigned hour, and not tentative, I'll just cancel this. No DBO demand is no DBO demand. I'll just LFG it.

RSVPs: (2) Sort by: Type | Date
INSANEdrive Titan “Currently Solar” (Tentative) (RSVP'd by INSANEdrive)
Cougron Titan “My Titan has done everything but my warlock has yet to do CoO and I never started my hunter...” (Tentative) (RSVP'd by CougRon)