DBO Fireteam Builder
Sunday Night Raiding
Sunday, February 19, 2017 at 3:00 PM
(Event is passed)
Title:Sunday Night Raiding
When:Sunday, February 19, 2017 at 3:00 PM (America/Los_Angeles)
I've got Sunday off, and I feel like doing a raid. In fact, I feel like doing any raid! Maybe even multiple raids!!
Regardless, there's fun to be had for all--if you join, that is. Go ahead and post which raid(s) you'd like to play in your info box--and I KNOW that Wrath of the Machine is the only relevant activity for light increase, but for its nostalgia, its uniqueness, or for the love of God--at least its ease, let's consider doing some older raids first.
Blackstar still hasn't had a chance to do Hard Light Vault, and I can't help but feel curious about Touching Crota...