DBO Fireteam Builder

Leviathan Clinic ()
Friday, March 2, 2018 at 6:00 PM (Event is passed)
Title:Leviathan Clinic
When:Friday, March 2, 2018 at 6:00 PM (America/Los_Angeles)

Let's practice doing the things we don't usually do. More detail here: https://destiny.bungie.org/forum/index.php?id=148295

RSVPs: (7) Sort by: Type | Date
Kermit-DBO (RSVP'd by Kermit)
Destroyo (RSVP'd by DestroyoBoy)
Bigarm41 “tentative - lots going on Sat. so may not be around in time...” (Tentative) (RSVP'd by Bigarm41)
Kupkake Titan “Should be up for it,” (Tentative) (RSVP'd by kupkake191)
slycrel “Interested, but the timing is off. =)” (Tentative) (RSVP'd by slycrel)
Vtf73 (Tentative) (RSVP'd by vtf73)
OmegaClown (Tentative) (RSVP'd by TheOmegaClown)