DBO Fireteam Builder

Dr. B's Monster Crux Death Rally Derby
Thursday, January 8, 2015 at 6:00 PM (Event is passed)
Title:Dr. B's Monster Crux Death Rally Derby
When:Thursday, January 8, 2015 at 6:00 PM (America/Los_Angeles)

Buckle up with Banana and crush some fools! Crucible rolling fireteam from 6:00 Pacific, TONIGHT!

RSVPs: (6) Sort by: Type | Date
iconicbanana Warlock (RSVP'd by iconicbanana)
ChaosSociety Hunter (RSVP'd by iconicbanana)
bluerunner Titan (RSVP'd by bluerunner)
Beorn Warlock (RSVP'd by Beorn)
Ragashingo Titan (RSVP'd by Ragashingo)
SonofMacPhisto +1 Maybe Titan (RSVP'd by SonofMacPhisto)