
I don't know if this one will die. (Gaming)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Tuesday, March 06, 2018, 19:14 (2251 days ago) @ Kermit
edited by Cody Miller, Tuesday, March 06, 2018, 19:19

Fair point, and that got me thinking of what depth perception in VR lacks, which is the ability for you to naturally change the focal point.

If you were to change your focal point while wearing a VR headset, everything would go out of focus. Your eyes MUST focus on the screen. All light is coming from something basically the same distance from your eye.

I think you are talking about where your eyes converge, which is where you choose to have the eyes' two images overlap.

In real life, you almost always focus and converge on the thing you are looking at. With stereoscopic 3D, you focus on the screen, and converge your eyes on whatever virtual plane the object you wish to look at is. Unless the game renders depth of field, or has extreme depth requiring your eyes to point outward (toward the ears), then you should be able to converge on any object you wish without trouble.

It is actually kind of amazing that we can focus and converge on separate things at all, given this ability is unnatural. The requirement to do so is inherent to stereoscopic 3D and cannot be worked around, as long as the light is coming into your eye from a fixed distance (a movie screen, or the LCDs in your headset). It is something you get better at after a while. If you can do Magic Eye, you are golden.

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