Hotfix Update (Destiny)

by someotherguy, Hertfordshire, England, Wednesday, October 15, 2014, 08:31 (3495 days ago) @ someotherguy

Sorry to necropost this, but I just wanted to post a quick post-Hotfix update.

It looks like a lot more than just ARs, Scout Rifles and Shotguns have been changed by the latest patch/hotfix. At least 50% of my data gathered so far is now incorrect. Only by small margins in most cases, but enough that I wouldn't want to publish it as is. I'd like to say I'm happy to do it all again, but it could be wrecked by another hotfix at any point.

Not that I'm complaining really. I should have seen this coming. It's a not-MMO, after all. But I'm just not happy spending all those hours on the project a second time if it might fall apart again at a moment's notice.

That all said, all of my above tips are still true. Scout Rifle DpS has increased to the 123 region, and ARs are less useful at range now, but the rest is still true.

I'm also still going to post my PvE tips/metagame at some point in the future. I gathered all the data I actually needed a while ago, and was really only continuing with the spreadsheet for the sake of completion.

Honestly, I'm kind of glad. The data-gathering portion was nowhere near as fulfilling after the 15th-20th hour as the "writing it up so people could benefit" portion.

- - Lichtonatus / someotherguy

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