
Weekly Update - Oct 24, 2014, Thoughts? (Destiny)

by Kahzgul, Saturday, October 25, 2014, 13:32 (3475 days ago) @ Xenos

These changes to IB are good, but Bungie's hints at "unexpected surprises" is what I like best. The game is already (sadly) getting old to me, and feels very, very grindy. Hopefully this means an actual content push is coming (and not just new bounties. For the love of God let's see some story content to give us an in-game reason for what we're doing.


Right now I'm just a guy who has started out in the same way as every other guy and has had exactly the same adventures as every other guy. I'm not a legend; I'm literally nobody special.
I have "exotic" armor but it's actually more common than legendary gear thanks to Xur.
I have "legendary" gear but there's no legends about it in the game, EVER.

Deej keeps saying he wants to hear the stories of how we got our gear. Mine is this: I killed Phogoth 27 times and that last time I got a purple engram which the cryptarch decoded into a cloak. What an awesome story. I'm totally going to regale my grandchildren with "The Legend of that one Purple Cloak that I got by Doing the Exact Same Thing Twenty-Seven Times in a Row."

I don't think I'm alone here when I say that nothing in this game feels important. Nothing feels epic. Nothing I do in Destiny matters.

To date the only player action that resulted in any tangible impact to the game world was farming the goddamn disco cave.


Please let the "surprises" be actual improvements to the story, background of our characters, and some degree of uniqueness which permeates the game world in a way that actually makes our stories interesting.

Also, replace Peter Dinklage's VO with literally any other actor. Keanu Reeves would be less wooden.

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