I think that comment did arc burn! ;-) (Destiny)

by scarab @, Sunday, October 26, 2014, 06:01 (3474 days ago) @ Kahzgul

Deej keeps saying he wants to hear the stories of how we got our gear. Mine is this: I killed Phogoth 27 times and that last time I got a purple engram which the cryptarch decoded into a cloak. What an awesome story. I'm totally going to regale my grandchildren with "The Legend of that one Purple Cloak that I got by Doing the Exact Same Thing Twenty-Seven Times in a Row."

Also, replace Peter Dinklage's VO with literally any other actor. Keanu Reeves would be less wooden.

I think that his delivery fits perfectly. I thought that he was wooden when I first killed a gate lord but now that I've killed dozens and the latest one is just a single item on my daily check list...

as soon as he's dead I'm already prioritizing my next task. So what Dinklage says and how he says it makes perfect sense. Imagine if he has a verbal orgasm every time we do something. I think that would get old very quick and grate more than a flat delivery would.

Maybe Bungie should record three versions:

Play the first one on the first occasion, the second for the next N times (were N is a small integer) and play the third time after about two weeks into our game.

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