Should I start playing again if I don't get the expansion? (Destiny)

by Monochron, Friday, December 12, 2014, 08:13 (3455 days ago) @ narcogen

If you stopped playing because you'd done everything and got bored, then the expansion adds some new things. If that wasn't why you stopped playing and you don't intend to get the expansion, then no, the other changes I think aren't dramatic enough to warrant a 2nd look.

Some systems were fixed, and drops seem to be more plentiful and take into account what you've received before (I was on a long string of getting only Ascendant Shards and hardly ever getting Energy until the expansion, and that trend has reversed) and I've gotten two whole playerloads of the new legendary armor as rewards or drops on only 1.5 runs through the expansion story missions, two strikes, and zero raids.

Cool, I haven't seen much talk about the frequency of different loot dropping, and that IS something that I am interested in. I'm still interested in checking out what changes in the world and what is going on overall.

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