
Another silly thing about Raid Challenge Levels (Destiny)

by Morpheus @, High Charity, Monday, January 19, 2015, 06:34 (3398 days ago) @ Kahzgul

The more you play the raid, the easier it gets because of how much more powerful you are with Raid gear. This is a problem in all MMOs, as far as I'm concerned.

I've completed the Vault of Glass about a dozen times. And other than Praeydyth's Revenge--an Oracle Killer for which I am truly grateful--I got two useless Found Verdicts and nothing else. That's right. Even after completing Vault of Glass in the double digits, some from beginning, some from Atheon, I never got a single piece of armor.

I got Chatterwhite, though.

Now for Crota, I got Deathsinger's Herald and Grip, but those are both very minor armor improvements--and still get me killed in one hit. I guess I have to do Hard Mode in order to get some actual gear, instead of stuff you can mostly buy.

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