The Sunsinger: Perspective from a PvP Gunslinger (Destiny)

by DreadPirateWes, Thursday, January 29, 2015, 15:27 (3375 days ago) @ Kahzgul

Hunter just might not suit you. It's at its best with long range encounters since it is inferior up close. Your K/D is 1.1, which isn't bad. However, as you mentioned, you're definitely getting terrible use out of your golden gun. You have 7300 kills and only 242 golden gun kills. For comparison, I have 2300 kills and 505 golden gun kills. I think you'd really benefit from a couple things:

- Use Symbiote? The 4th golden gun shot makes a huge difference. You can fire faster without worrying that you'll "waste" a shot.
- Don't use your super unless you have some space around you. It's good to have a little red on your radar, but don't pop it if you can actually see anyone.
- Your #1 weapon is auto rifle, which is the opposite of golden gun. Have you tried hand cannons in the crucible? Perhaps you should practice with Devil You Know or Thorn to improve your super use. Both are fantastic crucible guns.

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