Xur is a freaking sellout (Destiny)

by Monochron, Friday, February 20, 2015, 12:43 (3375 days ago) @ Speedracer513

I would be interested to see the raw numbers of how much the adoption rate of the DLC goes up each time it's a "DLC week". I bet it's not trivial.

Do you really think walling off parts of the game motivates people to buy the DLC? When it got walled off for me I just stopped playing. If the only activities that I routinely enjoy are removed for me, I don't have fun in the game.

Also, (and I'm not directing this toward anyone here) I don't have a ton of empathy for people that get really upset when they can't do the Nightfall this week because they aren't willing to spend a few extra bucks on the content. If you are still playing the game this much and enjoying it, why not pay for the content? And if you don't want to (or can't) pay for the extra content for any reason, it's not like this policy is reducing the amount of strikes that you could have done this week anyway -- it only means that for those two strikes you aren't going to get a dip in the loot pool.

I think this argument was done to death when the DLC came out, but the general sentiment was that a huge amount of the End-Game was shut off for people who didn't pay up. You can't just play the super hard strike on your own, you need to select the Nightfall option because there is little customization in Destiny. And frankly some people enjoy the path to a reward and getting that reward far more than playing the strike alone. You might not feel that way, but many people do. Thus they are upset.

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