
I have hit rank 5 with Iron Banner! (Destiny)

by CruelLEGACEY @, Toronto, Monday, February 23, 2015, 09:01 (3356 days ago) @ Kahzgul

Here's some hilarity: After spending all week on my Titan alt to get him the IB boots and gloves, and then earn these weapons (and farm glimmer for them), my buddy ran my warlock alt through Crota's End last night up to Ir'Yut. And my warlock got boots and gloves. All week vs. 1 hour.

Yeah, my original reason for playing Iron Banner was to get the boots my Titan needed to reach 32. After putting in a ton of time Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, I ran the raid Friday night and whaddayouknow... Boots! But by that point, I figured I'd put enough time into IB I might as well see it all the way through, and I'm glad I did. Gheleon's Demise is indeed a beast, and I'm happy to get away from the Crota armor. Plus, it's been fun overall.

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