
I had to learn the hard way (also a thanks to banana) (Destiny)

by CommandrCleavage @, USA-Midwest, Monday, March 09, 2015, 11:18 (3342 days ago) @ Dagoonite

At the start of Destiny I despised the Crucible and now I am singing a completely different tune.

This was my first experience with PVP in a game and I HATED it to start out with. I said right from the beginning that I refused to play in it. Every time I played I was slaughtered so badly and my KD's were always painful to see at the end of the match and it totally got me down.

BUT I did have a change of heart (after much practice and much death). It's now my absolute favorite part of the game. Whereas running strikes you memorize where each enemy is after a couple of runs, exactly what's going to take them out and muscle memory can take over after a while and it can become commonplace, I have found that sometimes in Crucible what I am expecting isn't always what I get which is nice and refreshing.

You never know how a team or your opponents are going to play a map or a game. Sure you can do pretty good betting but occasionally things will surprise you, and that can get pretty thrilling.

Playing against a game is completely different than playing against living people who learn and adapt.

I am a great example of this. I used to hate shotguns...I mean really hate them. But only because I couldn't figure them out. I was attempting to use them like a REAL shotgun not an in-game weapon specifically to be used for close range.

Rev would constantly say to me 'you're too far away, you can't hit them' and I just couldn't get it through my head because I was stuck IRL.

I can't tell you how many players must have come across me and thought to themselves 'what the hell is this girl doing?' as I fired wildly hitting nothing at all before they put me out of my misery.

So I started to learn, and I started to adapt. And now when a map pops up like Anomaly I almost feel bad when I pull out my shotgun and start to wreck havoc.

Tactic's are something I am still learning on the fly but the more I read the more I am able to put what I am learning into practice.

I mostly play with randoms, I don't usually run with a whole lot of people I know in Crucible so team strategy's are taking me longer to learn and adapt to. But I am getting there....I found myself rolling my eyes the other night as my team abandoned an important cruicible base and wandered to another.

Just don't give up on it, it's a total bear to learn at first but you'll get there. Hit me up if you ever want to play together, I am usually in there.


(BTW thanks to iconicbanana for the Spawn Control guide awhile back that's a big part of what helped!)

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