
Frequently asked questions about time travel (and atheon) (Destiny)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Saturday, March 14, 2015, 14:44 (3337 days ago) @ Up North 65
edited by Cody Miller, Saturday, March 14, 2015, 14:53

Which load outs to use on each encounter (list your favorites but also one that someone who doesn't have the perfect guns could follow)

Spire: Hand cannon, void shotgun / void fusion rifle, gjallarhorn. Any rockets will do really.
Conflux: exactly the same
Oracles: Scout Rifle, Void Shotgun, corrective measure
Templar: hand cannon, icebreaker, corrective measure
Gatekeeper: If going for the relic - hand cannon, sniper, rockets. If outside, hand cannon, void shotgun, rockets.
Atheon: Hand cannon, sniper, corrective measure.

You can see where you can substitute.

How to survive during the gatekeeper section outside the portals (Claude you can just punch all the praetorians as that seemed to work for you)

Void Shotguns work very very well against the Praetorians now! Have two people watch each of their spawns by the portal, and the rest take out the rest of the Vex.

Getting max dps on the oracles (do hand cannons really do 33% less damage? Is having a 4th pop in a legitimate strategy? How bout the relic holder dropping the relic for a few seconds and helping out?)

Corrective Measure, or any other HMG. Never use hand cannons. You should only need 2 shooting oracles.

What are the arguments for the middle strategy and the back strat? (Where do you put the bubble of life to prevent splash damage?)

Back is safer from splash damage, but less so from supplicants.

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