In short, yes (Destiny)

by Earendil, Monday, March 16, 2015, 17:00 (3349 days ago) @ Kahzgul

You're the player I was looking for!

I told my mom I'd be valued for this some day!

What draws you to replaying them?

I really enjoy plowing through challenging NPCs. At level 32 and no way to raise the difficulty, Nightfalls are the only challenge without making up my own rules (like no guns). Someday Bungie will release a strike that involves cresting a hill on a large plane, and seeing hundreds of hive in the valley below, followed shortly after by their charging up the hill at me, and I'll be the happiest guardian ever.

I'm also the kind of player that likes playing smart. Where "playing smart" is my way of saying I'm not the most aggressive player. When the enemy is easy, my team mates will aggressively charge in and kill everything while me and my scout rifle get little action. When the enemy is strong I come into my element. When the enemy is strong, flanking and position become far more important, and using the 3 bullets you get to fire as effectively as possible before ducking/diving for cover again.

What's been your favorite?

Favorite strike? In order

Will of Crota
[large gap]
Winter's Run
The Nexus
Devil's Lair
The Summoning Pits
Cerberus Vae III
(on XB1, so no PS strikes)

I also tend to prefer strikes where the "boss" is less of a boss fight, and more something that you pick at when you have a chance. For example Omni Gul on Will Of Crota is a real plow through enemies - hit her hard - retreat - repeat. I like that. I like that far more than say hitting Valus for minutes at a time, and then being moderately distracted by minor enemies. The Summing Pits also feels this way. Part of the problem with either of those though is that it's impossible, no matter how smart you play, to keep from getting flanked without cheesing.

I should say add that "playing smart" should not translate to the desire to cheese (though let's be honest, if I were using my own real life, I'd cheese the @#$%$ out of the enemy all day long). No, while I like the distance game, I like it infinitely more when my skill at distance keeps me from dying as the enemy attempts to close the distance. So the end of The Nexus, I don't enjoy sitting up top and sniping everything, because the enemy doesn't have a chance. There is never any fear. I much prefer the feeling that I need 5 consecutive head shots on 5 enemies or they will close in too tight. And in the Nexus, you better clear themall because you're going to need to flip 180 and do it again in exactly 4 seconds.

What's your most compelling argument for running them again? Convince me!

Because they are fun :)
I don't tend to have the flexibility or time to commit to Raids, (total raid count is maybe 10 times) so strikes are also where I get my team play in. This, all day long. I'm most often convinced when I'm asked to help finish one, or when I see that I can jump in with someone. I'm usually capable of soloing them with my warlock, which is a very different experience than a team of Guardians.

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