
What do you think kept objective game types? (Destiny)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Sunday, April 12, 2015, 14:41 (3320 days ago)

The more I think, the more it seems that there must have been some kind of fundamental balance or game design reason that Destiny has no objective game types.

Every single game mode is slayer. Every one. Even salvage. You get points for killing in salvage, and hardly any for capturing relics. You can easily get more points defending the relic than you do actually capturing it, and I've won a few games before with my team capturing zero relics. I would have expected Salvage to be such that you can only gain points by capturing (or sabotaging) the relics, since in Halo's objective games you net no points for kills.

The opportunity was THERE, but they made it a slayer type.

I wonder why, but I'm betting the answer is Golden Gun and Ward of Dawn.

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