
Assault! (Destiny)

by nico, Sunday, April 12, 2015, 17:28 (3320 days ago) @ Cody Miller

The objective game type I wish Bungie had explored was the old Unreal Tournament '99 Assault game type.

For those who haven't played it, it goes something like this:

1. Team A spawns on an easily defendable position, their job is to protect an objective, similar to a Relic or a Control point in Destiny.

2. Team B spawns on the other side of the map. Very little (if any) cover. Their job is to capture this relic, control point.

Once Team B captures the objective, the first half of the game ends, and their score is time remaining plus scores from kills.

3. Game restarts, with Team B defending, and Team A assaulting. Same deal, score is calculated with time remaining plus scores from kills.

The nice thing about this game type is that it requires no map balance, hence some PVE maps could be recycled for it.

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