Flawless Raider! Yay! (Destiny)

by CougRon, Auburn, WA, USA, Sunday, April 12, 2015, 16:29 (3319 days ago)

Jumped in with the XboxOne crew on a Flawless Raider attempt on Crota, and Achievement Unlocked! Woohoo!

The only part we really had a problem with was the Abyss, I didn't keep track but we must have had 20 wipes there. I was only responsible for one of those but it was a really stupid one--I was tweaking my weapon and grenades while opening the portal and failed to notice it was open, when I came back the platform was gone and I died trying to jump where it normally ends.

After the abyss we got across the bridge with no problems, took our time with the shrieker hallway and blasted through the deathsinger and Crota. No wipes after the Abyss!

Now I only have two more to get to get 100% completion. Level up a Hunter, and 20 captures in Salvage. I was planning on starting a Hunter when HoW drops but I might start early now. As for Salvage, I absolutely suck at the game type. We all jumped into the playlist to try and earn it for those of us who don't have it yet and mostly just got a butts handed to us. Did not get the achievement. Does anyone know of a way to track your progress on the Salvage capture achievement? The Grimoire card only tracks matches won and the Achievement app doesn't show any.

Forgot to mention, completing the raid got me a Red Death exotic. I already had it but this one gets me a Shard to finish leveling up the other.

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