Considering deleting my alts (Destiny)

by petetheduck, Monday, April 13, 2015, 11:00 (3318 days ago)

Warlock > Titan > Hunter

If my Titan and Hunter were a car, they'd have a bumper sticker that would say "I'd rather be playing my Warlock"

- Loss of multiple chances to run the next Raid for loot

Counter argument: Bungie's DLC approach is going result in another content gap, so I'll have plenty of time to acquire everything, if not immediately.

- Bungie will release a future new super awesome subclass for Titan or Hunter

Counter argument: Bungie would likely keep with the theme/style of each class, meaning new subclasses won't be a dramatic departure/game changer. As in, the next Hunter subclass will still play like a Hunter.

- Would have wasted a lot of time creating and leveling these alts

Counter argument: This will ensure I won't waste any more time on them on the never ending Destiny treadmill

- Less gear stuff to manage

- Shorter "to do" list results in more time spend goofing off/finding my own fun

- Seems to work for Avateur

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