
How could the third sub-classes play differently? (Destiny)

by iconicbanana, C2-H5-OH + NAD, Portland, OR, Tuesday, April 14, 2015, 14:42 (3318 days ago) @ Dan de Board
edited by iconicbanana, Tuesday, April 14, 2015, 14:46

I'm at a loss for this. The current classes/sub-classes cover some very important niches found in other FPSs and RPGs. What niches haven't been covered that could be filled with other subclasses?

Striker - In-your-face melee mayhem
Defender - Protector of objective
Gunslinger - Sharpshooter
Bladedancer - Sneaky hobittses
Voidwalker - Powerful magics
Sunsinger - Unstoppable fires of destruction/support

If we think about other games, there aren't many classes that don't fit one of those six roles. How could Bungie make the new sub-classes unique and make you want to play them. Is there a role that you want to play that isn't covered by one of these classes/sub-classes?

Still want:

Chain-lightening slinging warlock. A long range super for Warlocks, along the lines of Golden Gun, but it could be modified to forked lightening at close range or a couple of jumps between enemies at long range.

Void-bow-and-arrow hunter. A high-skill or aoe sort of super for Hunters, maybe. The arrows would need to be harder to aim than GG, but you could get increased movement speed; maybe arrows don't kill, they just slow enemies or make them burn via a DOT. Arrow hits could give health back to the hunter. Whatever, it's mostly so you could have a bow and arrow.

Fire-axe titan. A mobile, more long term super for Titans. It would be like bladedancer, but less mobile and more armor. Or something momentum based: the longer you sprint with it, the faster you run, but the initial sprint is just walking speed.

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