
Reaping, sowing, chickens, roosting (Destiny)

by Schooly D, TSD Gaming Condo, TX, Wednesday, July 29, 2015, 16:15 (3212 days ago) @ Kermit

My theory is that Mig feels that the addicts' perceptions are distorted because they are addicts. They gorge on steak and forget how good steak is in moderation. (Sorry, Mig, for that analogy.) There's also a Louis C.K. strain in there--i.e., everything is awesome and no one is happy.

Destiny's fans, and Bungie themselves, often brag and crow about the game's addictive qualities, and have even used this trait as a defense against criticism.

"Despite criticism, users are logging a ton of hours in Destiny," say the game devs

"Destiny has so many problems, but we can't stop playing it," say the gaming journos

"You complain a lot, but you're still here!" say the forum members

The sword cuts both ways. Destiny is a game centered entirely around player investment. The people who play it therefore invest a lot of time and effort. No one should act surprised, or complain that these malcontents just aren't being fair and equitable when this heavily-invested player base becomes upset and turns to vocal criticism when it's not too easy (again, by design) to stop playing, or to stop caring.

Maybe gamers 40 and up just don't have the same expectations as younger gamers, but I don't hear the same kind of feedback from them.

I'm almost positive this is more because older gamers in most cases, (1) have more important things going on in their lives, and (2) benefit from a more healthy perspective on things.

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