
Follow up. *Really Long Post* (Destiny)

by cheapLEY @, Thursday, July 30, 2015, 23:48 (3210 days ago) @ Vortech

I dunno. As much of a Bungie fan as I have been, I'm a Mac fan much more and I remember all the anger around Bungie abandoning the platform that made them who they are, and breaking their "promises" by not releasing on the Mac after they showed the demo at MacWorld Expo and allowing their Publisher/Owner to lead them to the evil dark side. All of this sounds SO FAMILIAR, like it was only a year ago…

I wasn't around for that, so I can't really comment there, other than to say I guess it probably is similar to what people are saying about Bungie/Activision.

I will say I agree that the expectations are greater. Not just for Games in general, but Bungie in particular. People were expecting so much while transitioning between the end of one franchise to the beginning of another and the end of one console generation to the beginning of another.

I guess that's my point. I think people built up their expectations too much. Remember what Halo: CE was? It was a campaign with tacked on multiplayer. Now think of how much Halo grew, how much was added to that already amazing base layer. Destiny is that base layer, and what is still to come is even better. People would do well to remember how Halo evolved. They didn't deliver everything all at once.

I've actually been meaning to start a thread, but may as well just ask it here: Do you think being the creators of Halo hurt Bungie in terms of Destiny? I would say yes; people expected too much, expected things Bungie never mentioned. People assumed Destiny would have Forge or Theater or whatever. I don't even find that unreasonable to assume, but from what I can recall, Bungie didn't even so much as HINT at any of those things, so no one really had any reason to assume they would be in Destiny.

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