
Would Recommend (Destiny)

by dogcow @, Hiding from Bob, in the vent core., Thursday, July 30, 2015, 14:40 (3210 days ago) @ CyberKN

Read it while interviewing around for my first job in the games industry. It's amazing how a lot of the "dated" examples about famous 19th century figures are still 100% applicable in today's world. Some things don't change.

I certainly need to reread it & practice applying some of its principles. It's been on my mind since a confrontation I had while camping back in June. A male camper from another site approached my wife while she was alone & proceeded to yell and cuss at her about where she was brushing her teeth, he ended with telling her to go f*** off in the woods, upon hearing all of this I left our campsite to confront him, and like a champ I kept my cool, but still, escalated the situation by my approach.

Anyway, it's been on my mind since and I'm pretty sure people involved in this "discussion" could benefit from it. Mig trying to influence DBO's behavior, me & others trying to influence Mig's behavior, anyone who wants to influence another's behavior in a positive way, GOOD lessons are to be had in this book.

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